Saturday, December 29, 2007

Important: Read this before responding!

I want to issue a warning to you all before anybody submits any postings. This is the world wide web. Though this blog (short or "web log") is intended for a specific group of people, it is on a public domain and the world has access to it. Therefore, choose your words carefully. For one reason, you are a witness to the world for Christ, but secondly, anything you say here, if juicy enough, will find its way around the world in less than a heartbeat and you cannot retract your statements. They will live forever in cyberspace for all to see.
This is not a forum to vent frustration with specific individuals. Our face-to-face meetings will help us work through that. Breathing out frustration and anger in this forum is neither constructive nor helpful. There are better ways to deal with specifics.
Here are a couple guidelines for you:
1) No names. Unless you have the expressed permission of those you are referring to, keep it anonymous
2) Keep it generic. Stick to issues, and topics, not specific situations. If you need to give an example keep it as anonymous and general as possible
3) Don't make assumptions. Let's stick with what we know and keep ourselves out of the dangerous realm of speculation and assumption

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