Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Message of Your Life

No one person is complete all by themselves. No one believer fully bears the image of God, nor all the spiritual gifts, nor the full and unabridged/unedited Gospel message. This full view, or "big picture" requires the church as a whole. Not just the local church, but God's Church - the Kingdom.
Though the work of God is accomplished through God's people, each one of us carries a vital part of His message to the world. This is the message of our lives, our theological bent, our personal experience with the living Word.
The Word of God is not simply the written page. God's Word is written/spoken and proceeds from the Father. It is living in the person of Jesus Christ. The Word is also experienced as the Holy Spirit works in, through, and around us and others. It requires all three avenues to be active in our lives for God to transform us and write the message of our lives in our hearts.
All the pillars of our faith had such a message. For Martin Luther it centered around the grace of God. John Calvin's focus was the sovereignty of God. The apostle John, the love of God and Luke, the compassion of God. All of our contemporaries, those walking in faith beside us now, have their message as well. John Eldridge is drawn to the intimate God. A.W. Tozer, like Calvin, sees God as holy and sovereign. David Crowder sings of the God who saves the sinner.
You too have a message. It is constantly being formed in your heart with every experience, every trial, every victory, every doubt. This is the message you are to bring to the people of God. This is the God you are to reveal to a lost, broken, and needy world. As ministers in the church, you are to share your story and encourage the saints, but also, you are to help them discover their own message. We are all ambassadors of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have been called, set apart, equipped, and empowered to be so, and we will need all God will give us because to share your message, your story, it will cost you. Your message, since it is in your heart, is a part of who you are. Know God so that you can know yourself. Speak your message in word and deed. Give glory to the Father who is forever praised. Amen.

With you in His service,

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